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GDPR Data Protection Policy
Coventry and Warwickshire Society of Artists (CWSA) stores and uses the personal data of all members for the purposes of managing the affairs of the Society. This data is subject to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Your personal data will be used by the CWSA solely for the purposes described hereunder. The CWSA will not disclose your data to any third party.
Your Rights
You can exercise the following rights at any time by sending an email request to
- to see the information which the CWSA holds about you
- to have your information deleted
- to change your information
Members are asked to notify the Membership Secretary on at the earliest opportunity of any changes to their information. Members’ data will be deleted as soon as possible after cessation of membership for any reason.
Data Storage – Members Details
Members’ names, honours, qualifications, addresses, telephone numbers and email addresses are held by the Membership Secretary and are not routinely published to members, Members have the right to restrict the information they supply.
Data Storage – Electronic Data
Members data may be stored on the personal computers of CWSA committee members as elected at each Annual General Meeting or co-opted by the committee, and will be used by them solely for the purposes of discharging their assigned duties.
Members’ names may be listed on the CWSA website and, where the necessary information has been given, links will be provided to members’ own websites. Members are invited to post CVs, artist statements or similar information on the Society’s website for publicity purposes. the CWSA may also publish photographs on its website of society events, which may include images of members.
Members’ email addresses are stored in the Society’s email account and used solely for the purposes of communicating with members regarding the society’s business. All data held on the Society’s website or email account is subject to the security measures
provided by the relevant internet service provider.
The CWSA exists mainly to promote the work of members and cannot do so effectively if members exercise their right to withhold any or all of their personal data. It is therefore considered that by accepting membership of the CWSA, members consent to their data being stored and used as described in this policy notice.
- February 2025 (1)
- February 2023 (1)
- September 2020 (1)