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Membership Renewal 2024

We hope you have enjoyed your membership of the CWSA during 2023 and that you would like to continue with us during 2024.
We are now able to organise a hopefully interesting programme for you all.  The good news is that we will be carrying over the lower renewal membership fee of £15 for 2024 too. All members will need to pay by BAC’s online if possible, if not, then you will need to send a cheque by post to Uthaya. Details below.
Membership Subscriptions will usually be notified by the membership secretary when due and we would expect payment via internet banking using the following information or alternatively a cheque may be used and made payable to CWSA and send to:- Uthaya Swoboda, 6 Blackthorn Close, Coventry CV4 7DQ
Lloyds Bank Sort Code 30 99 15    CWSA a/c no  01599148
Please ensure you include your name in the reference block and I would appreciate an email to say you have paid on .