March and April Art Demos - CANCELLED
I'm sure you are all keeping a close eye on the news regarding COVID-19.
Due to the fact that over 70s will be asked to self-isolate in the coming days and for the safety of our members, THE COMMITTEE HAS DECIDED TO CANCEL ALL CWSA MEETINGS UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE.
Please stay safe and hopefully the situation with improve.
DIARY OF EVENTS(Reminder: if you haven't already paid, your annual membership fee is now due.)
Dear Artists,
1) Tuesday 10th March. 1 pm - 4 pm.
CRITERION THEATRE lounge, Earlsdon.
Please come along and enjoy a members social afternoon, tea/coffee, biscuits and chat, while CWSA member, Jacqui demonstrates how she does her wonderful felt pictures.
REQUEST: If you would like to share a skill or technique with our members, please let us know.
The April meeting in the Criterion Theatre lounge will be a short talk about printing and Giclees.
Thursday 12th March 10 am - 3 pm. CWSA members: £9. (non members welcome: £13)
Westlake Room, Balsall Village Hall, Station Road, Balsall Common. CV7 7FF
Our Chairman, Susan Moore, will be organising this workshop for artists who would like to gain more knowledge on portraiture.
This will be a 'full-on' day, so please bring your lunch with you.
a) Beginning with the skull. b) Understanding light direction and shading to form the bone structure. c) The 'Ins and Outs'. d) Measuring up.
e) What colours to use. f) Working from a 'live' model. f) How to work from a photo.
Bring with you whatever you have: i.e.: A3 drawing pad and board, pencils, soft rubber, 30 cm rule, pastels or watercolours or oils, a photo of someone in your family or who you would like to draw. (Tea/coffee provided).
To confirm your place: email:
Portrait Model ... volunteer ... required for the above workshop between 11 am - 2 pm
2a) PORTRAIT PAINTING - 11 am - 2 pm // details as above.
Experienced portrait artists welcome to join the group and do their own 'thing'.
Thursday 12th March 10 am - 3 pm. £6.
For artists who don't want to do portraiture - come and do your own thing.
Westlake Room, Balsall Common Village Hall.
3) Friday Morning Portrait Group: 10 am - 12.30
Gilbert Richard Centre, Broadway, Earlsdon, Coventry.
(£6. + £1 refreshments.) Most of the artists in this group are CWSA members.
No tuition - do your own thing, but you can ask other members in the group for advice in the breaks.
13th March: Coventry Lord Mayor, Linda Bigham, is the model. 2 spaces available.
4) Saturday 28th March. 11 am - 1.30 pm. CWSA members £7. (Non members £10.)
Westlake Room, Ballsall Common Village Hall.
Details as portrait workshop above.
Our Chairman, Susan Moore, will be covering some of the basics of how to tackle portraiture.
Model / volunteer required.
5) Saturday 28th March 2 pm - 4 pm.
Westlake Room, Balsall Common Village Hall. More details later.
6) Thursday 9th April: (Maundy Thursday).
Painting/Sketching day in Coventry Cathedral ruins
Weather permitting. (free). More details later. Email:
EXHIBITIONS COMING UP (we will email out details for each exhibition)
Changeover exhibition at the Littlehurst Garden Centre 17th March.
Various exhibitions during the year in the Loft and Talisman Theatres
Annual Exhibition at the East Lodge, Leamington Spa. October 2020.
Herbert Art Gallery, CASE exhibition, January 2021.
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