
CWSA Virtual Exhibition is OPEN

We have created our own Virtual Exhibition which is launched 6th October.  The Exhibition is set up as a link to YouTube from our website and on Facebook, this means it is available to the general public and who knows, potential buyers!  Here is the link https://youtu.be/SwbeemOL-4U

Our President, Nancy Upshall launched the Virtual Exhibition with the following words;

Out of our membership, nineteen people contributed thirty eight beautiful artworks. Thank you for making the effort. Hopefully next time we can increase this number.
Meanwhile . . . .good  things on the horizon.  2021, Coventry's Year of Culture, and the next CWSA annual exhibition will be shown, we hope, at East Lodge.  I look forward to seeing everyone there, probably still masked!  With a lot of luck we may even be allowed to hug each other!
Best wishes, stay safe.
Good luck everyone!