
Loft Theatre Exhibition - Leamington Spa

We had one sale during the run of the Calendar Girls, the successful artist on this occasion being Janet Cheary.

We will be keeping the same group exhibition up for the next production  which will be Wuthering Heights starting on the 23rd October. Hopefully some of you will be able to go along to see it.

Please could all artists collect unsold work from this exhibition on Sunday 3rd November between 10.30 am and 11.30 am.

The next production will be 'Betrayal' starting on the 12th November followed by 'old World' starting on the 24th November.

We are looking to do a one/ two man show on this occasion to cover both productions. I would potentially like to hang this exhibition on the 3rd November immediately following the taking down of the group show. Take down will be on 1st Dec from 10.30 am.

If you are interested please send me an email and I can answer any questions you may have.
Many thanks
Jacqui Smithson