
The Gallery Art and Wine

A New Exhibtion Venue in Kenilworth

There is a new wine bar and art gallery opening in Kenilworth.  It is in the shop once known as Cupboard Love and is opposite the Holiday Inn – it will be renamed as ‘The Gallery art and wine’.  
The Gallery will be run by Alan Jones, who some of you may know as the landlord of The Cottage Inn in Kenilworth.  Alan asks that you take your paintings into The Gallery on Friday 21st and Saturday 22nd November, anytime between 2pm and 6pm and he will hang them.  There will be ‘open nights’ on 25th and 26th November and a private view for CWSA members only on Thursday 27th November.  This will mean that everything is ready for the big Christmas lights switch on on 28th November.   This will be a rotating exhibition with paintings swapped around and new items listed every few months.

It appears that everything is coming together very well.   I understand that The Gallery opening will be featured in local newspapers, the Courier etc. so all in all it's very exciting news!  Click flyerthegallery2014-3.pdf for the flyer and a painting listing.